Building the World's Largest Underwater Christmas Tree
How Vegas Props fabricated the world's largest underwater Christmas tree
How To Make a Museum Quality Totem Pole Using Epoxy Putty
How epoxy putty is applied to carved foam to create a totem pole for a museum
How To Make a Museum Quality Animal Reproduction
Learn how a sculpted reproduction of a rhinoceros torso was made
How To Restore an Historic Concrete Seal at Princeton University
Watch how John Paolini, from Paolini Cast Stone, restored an historic concrete seal
How To Make a Flame Rated Casting with Habitat Cast N Coat™ Epoxy
A Tiki Mask for a Tiki-themed bar is cast out of flame-rated Habitat Cast N Coat epoxy.
How To Create a High Temperature Tool Using EpoxAmite™ HT and EpoxAcoat™ HT
High temperature tooling resins play an important role in creating composite parts and are a low cost alternative to metal molds.
How To Use Habitat Cast N Coat™ to Coat Carved EPS Foam
In this project, EPS foam board is used to carve a theater mask design. The display is then hard-coated using Habitat Cast N Coat.
How To Make a Sunscreen Curtain Wall from a Digital Design
Smooth-On's client "Taller de Prefabricados" invited us to to film their process
StyroCoat™ Spray Plastic Used at Give Kids The World Village
Give Kids The World Village is a resort in Florida that creates magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses.
How To Make a Display Using Habitat™ Epoxy Putty
This video shows the creation of a fabricated tree for a themed environment for an interactive customer experience.
How To Create an Angular GFRC Architectural Panel
GFRC Cladding Systems creates angular panels to be installed on a building in Miami's design district.
How To Create a GFRC Architectural Cornice
GFRC Cladding Systems shows how to create a spray-up cladding cornice.
How To Spray GFRC To Create a Showroom Kiosk
In this video we show the step-by-step process for creating a sales desk kiosk with a custom textured surface using GFRC enhanced with Forton® VF-774.
How To Create a GFRC Lounge Chair Using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber
Using Rebound™ 25 mold rubber, OBRaTUR, S.A. has created a line of GFRC furniture that is hurricane proof.
How To Create a GFRC Table using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber
Creating a GFRC table design employs the root of a Royal Poinciana tree recovered from a hurricane.
How To Create a Silicone Rubber Texture Mat for GFRC Panels
Granary wall inside the barn features woodgrain textures that can be duplicated onto GFRC panels for a shower install.
How To Make GFRC Textured Shower Panels
Multiple GFRC panels of different sizes and shapes will be made from this single texture mat mold.
How To Restore Stonework Using the EZ-Spray™ System
Adelaide University's Bonython Hall in South Australia was in need of renovation...
How To Make a Polysulfide Rubber Mold of a Masterpiece
Learn about the mold making process for casting a da Vinci horse design.
How To Make a Large Scale Formliners with VytaFlex™ Mold Rubber
The Pennsylvania DOT needed 2,000 decorative noise reduction panels to maximize public safety and divert highway noise.
How to Install and Maintain the EZ-Mix Meter Mixing Machine
Learn how to operate the EZ-Mix meter mix machine
Using a Vacuum Former to Create Lightweight Wall Panel Artwork
How to to make beautiful decorative wall panels using a TASK 18 vacuum forming tool.