Model Making How‑To's

Model Making
Model makers the world over know that Smooth-On silicone rubbers and liquid plastics as the perfect combination to reproduce their creations and drive production.

How To Make Fishing Lures With Mold Star™ & Feather Lite™

How To Make Fishing Lures With Mold Star™ & Feather Lite™

Learn How To Make Your Own Fishing Lures With Mold Star™ Silicone and Feather Lite™ Resin

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How To Make a Replacement Car Lens Using Crystal Clear 202

How To Make a Replacement Car Lens Using Crystal Clear 202

How you can replicate a tail light lens of any car using optically-clear resin.

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How To Mold and Cast a Record That Actually Plays

How To Mold and Cast a Record That Actually Plays

How moldmaking and casting expand horizons for a seminar graduate whose passion is 78 RPM records

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How To Restore an Antique Picture Frame Using Equinox™

How To Restore an Antique Picture Frame Using Equinox™

In this example, Equinox™ silicone putty is used to mold a section of an antique wooden picture frame.

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How To Cast a Custom Scenery For a Model Railroad

How To Cast a Custom Scenery For a Model Railroad

Mold making and casting gives model railroaders options for creating custom scenic display pieces.

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The Easiest Brushable Urethane To Mix!

The Easiest Brushable Urethane To Mix!

EZ~Mix® 40 is a liquid / liquid system, making it perfect for novice mold makers.

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How To Make a Block Mold of a Four Legged Animal

How To Make a Block Mold of a Four Legged Animal

This howto shows where to properly place air vents and also where to make your extraction cut line.

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How To Add Color Effects To a 3D Printed Part Using XTC-3D™

How To Add Color Effects To a 3D Printed Part Using XTC-3D™

This video demonstrates how to use XTC-3D epoxy coating to smooth and apply color to a 3D printed architectural model.

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How To Cast Pewter Into Mold Max® 60

How To Cast Pewter Into Mold Max® 60

Mold Max® 60 was developed for high-heat resistance applications.

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How To Make a Brush On Mold of an Antique Rifle

How To Make a Brush On Mold of an Antique Rifle

This tutorial shows how to make a two piece silicone mold of a historic firearm

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Examples of How To Reproduce Firearms and Guns

Examples of How To Reproduce Firearms and Guns

Smooth-On mold rubbers and casting resins can be used to recreate historic and modern firearms.

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How To Make a 2 Part Mold of an Antique Rifle

How To Make a 2 Part Mold of an Antique Rifle

How to make a two piece silicone block mold of an antique Kentucky long rifle

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How To Shrink a Casting using NOVOCS Silicone Solvent

How To Shrink a Casting using NOVOCS Silicone Solvent

A user can shrink a silicone rubber mold 18% - 22% by mixing NOVOCS silicone solvent with the silicone.

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How To Make a Resin Metal Cold Casting

How To Make a Resin Metal Cold Casting

Smooth-On fan Jon N. shows how he makes a mold for a real metal cold casting.

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How To Make a Glow In The Dark Resin Jewelry Necklace

How To Make a Glow In The Dark Resin Jewelry Necklace

We show how you can combine Glow Worm® powder with resin to create an amazing glowing pendant.

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How to Make a Silicone Mold of 3D Print

How to Make a Silicone Mold of 3D Print

This video demonstrates how to use Mold Star 20T to make a silicone mold of extruded PLA.

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Strengthening a 3D Powder Print with XTC-3D Epoxy Resin Coating

Strengthening a 3D Powder Print with XTC-3D Epoxy Resin Coating

In this video, we demonstrate how to properly thin XTC-3D for infusion of powder printed 3D pieces.

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How to Make a Squish Mold for Thin-Walled Resin Casting

How to Make a Squish Mold for Thin-Walled Resin Casting

A squish mold is ideal for thin-walled castings like a model car body.

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How To Make a 2 Part Trigger Guard Mold

How To Make a 2 Part Trigger Guard Mold

A two-part mold is made of a flintlock pistol trigger guard using SORTA-Clear® 37 Silicone for the lost-wax process.

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How To Make a Bear Claw Necklace Replica

How To Make a Bear Claw Necklace Replica

How to start with one bear claw and end with 24 perfect copies

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How To Make a Custom Steering Wheel: Part 2, Resin Casting

How To Make a Custom Steering Wheel: Part 2, Resin Casting

Milo shows how he casts a Crystal Clear urethane resin steering wheel in this tutorial video

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Mold Making Challenge: Clear Casting a Pine Cone

Mold Making Challenge: Clear Casting a Pine Cone

Watch Milo solve an extremely difficult mold making challenge!

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Making a Master Model Using Smooth-Cast 310 and URE-FIL 7

Making a Master Model Using Smooth-Cast 310 and URE-FIL 7

In this how-to video, Milo shows how to make a master model which is used to make numerous flexible rubber molds.

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How To Make Ear Savers Using Mold Star™ 20T Smooth-Cast™ 65D

How To Make Ear Savers Using Mold Star™ 20T Smooth-Cast™ 65D

Milo shows how to create resin ear savers using a Mold Star™ 20T silicone mold and Smooth-Cast™ 65D casting resin.

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Using an Innovative Silicone Tool to Vacuum Form an RC Car Body

Using an Innovative Silicone Tool to Vacuum Form an RC Car Body

Milo takes on vacuum forming an RC car body which presents an interesting challenge.

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Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Maker Pro Paint™

Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Maker Pro Paint™

Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Maker Pro Paint™

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Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Fluorescent Maker Pro Paints™

Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Fluorescent Maker Pro Paints™

Painting a Flexible Foam Casting Using Fluorescent Maker Pro Paints™

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