The Specialists Ltd. is New York City’s premier mold-making and casting company, providing services for a variety of different industries, including film, television, art, architecture, jewelry, institutions and prototyping. We mold and cast in a variety of materials, including polyurethanes, acrylic, fiberglass, silicone, plaster, bronze and stone. We work closely with our clients to determine the best choice of materials for their specific projects. We also provide original lifecasting and sculpting for artists, architects, and model makers. With 60,000 square feet of production space in our Queens facility, we have the resources and facilities to handle any project, large or small. In addition to molding and casting, we are a full-service fabrication and graphics shop, capable of creating multimedia works.
- Polyurethanes
- Acrylic
- Fiberglass
- Silicone
- Plaster
- Bronze and Stone
- Lifecasting
Showcase Gallery
Contact Information
47-40 Metropolitan Ave
Queens, NY 11385
- Tel: (212) 941-7696
- E-Mail: