Advancing Renewable Energy Technology
As solar panel technology advances, protecting electronic components that make turning the rays of the sun into usable energy becomes more of a challenge. Solaris™ is an optically clear platinum silicone that lets light pass thorough it unimpeded. It is used to encapsulate expensive photovoltaic cells and protects them from shock, moisture, wind and other elements.
Solaris™ is mixed 1A:1B by volume (no weighing scale necessary). It features a low viscosity and de-airs itself well. To aid in de-airing, the pot life is an extra-long 240 minutes. The rubber cures optically clear in 24 hours at room temperature. Solar panels can be put in service after 24 hours.
Maximizing Adhesion With Solaris™ Bonding Primer –Solaris™ silicone will adhere to clean solar panel glass substrates under most conditions. The slightest surface contamination or imperfections may result in the silicone separating from the glass. If that happens, the result is a costly solar panel failure. Solaris™ Bonding Primer is the only way to ensure that the silicone will bond to the glass substrate.
Solaris™ Packaging:
Trial units: 2 lbs. of silicone rubber + 2 oz. spray bottle of bonding primer.
1-gallon units: 16 lbs. of silicone rubber
5-gallon units: 80 lbs. of silicone rubber
Bonding Primer is available in 2 oz. spray bottles, Pints (1 lb.) and Gallons (8 lbs.)