A Urethane Plastic That Floats? Introducing Feather Lite™ Casting Resin

A Urethane Plastic That Floats? Introducing Feather Lite™ Casting Resin

Feather Lite™ is a new heavily filled low-density urethane casting resin. As the name implies, castings are lighter than conventional urethane resins (it will float in water) and can be used for a variety of applications. Cured plastic is strong and can be carved, machined, drilled, sanded, etc. Feather Lite™ can be pigmented with SO Strong™ color tints prior to casting and finished castings can be painted.

Parts A and B are heavily filled and components will separate in the container. Both sides need to be thoroughly pre-mixed before use. It has a 1A:1B by volume mix ratio, 8 minute pot life, and roughly 2 hour demold.

Applications: We have some deep sea fishing lure makers that add pigment and cast large lures using Feather Lite™.

We also have customers using it to make a variety of lightweight prototype castings (model trains and cars) and for creating movie special effect figures.

Ship It! - A prototype model maker called to tell us that she saved a lot on shipping costs by casting a large prototype model that needed to go cross-country using Feather Lite™ instead of what she usually uses.

Price Comparision - At first glance, Feather Lite™ appears to cost more money when comparing the unit price to the unit price of other resins. However, this material yields 41 cubic inches per pound vs. 26.6 for general purpose casting resins (such as Smooth-Cast™ 300). This means that, in a cubic inch per pound comparison, Feather Lite™ actually costs less than Smooth-Cast™ or other similar casting resins.