Our Key Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Topics
Smooth-On manages a broad range of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (“ESG”) topics across our business operations. We assess and identify new or emerging ESG issues that could impact or be impacted by our Company on an ongoing basis. This includes discussions with our employees and analysis of feedback we receive through our regular engagement with stakeholders. We also monitor ESG trends and policy developments, disclosure standards and industry best practices.
Smooth-On adheres to the highest ethical conduct in all aspects of business including inclusion and diversity, anti-discrimination and harassment, workplace safety, privacy, anti-corruption, human rights, and corporate sustainability.
The following are the ESG topics we have identified as the most relevant to our business and of greatest interest to our stakeholders:
Stakeholder Engagement
Our Company has a broad range of stakeholders, including customers and clients, employees, members of the communities we serve, regulators & policymakers, and suppliers. We engage with these groups on an ongoing basis to gain insight into their needs and perspectives, as well as to share information about our Company’s strategy, practices and performance. Responsibility for engaging with stakeholder groups is widely shared across our Company’s markets and corporate functions, and we engage through numerous channels.
We share information with our employees and gather their input through surveys, including our global Employee Opinion Survey and Exit Surveys; weekly town hall and small group meetings; focus groups; blogs, articles and newsletters; and other forums. In 2020, we developed a range of resources and policies to respond to COVID-19 and kept employees informed on these policies, plans and safety measures.
We interact with our key suppliers on a frequent basis through various channels, including regular business reviews, ad hoc meetings, phone and email. Through these interactions, we engage in dialogue with our key suppliers on topics of importance to our Company, including our ability to operate efficiently and effectively, deliver products a that meet our customers’ needs, manage risk and controls, and drive our diversity, equity and inclusion agenda. We are committed to holding our suppliers to the highest standards of business conduct and integrity, and we work together to make a positive impact in the communities where we do business.
Regulators and Policymakers
We strive to maintain an open, ongoing dialogue with our global supervisory regulators and a broad array of other policymakers. We complete reports with regulators on a range of matters and seek feedback about whether they are getting the right level, quality and frequency of information.