Forton™ VF-774

Forton™ VF-774

Acrylic Co-Polymer For Use In GFRC

Forton™ VF-774

Forton™ VF-774 is an all acrylic, co-polymer dispersion (51% solids) specifically formulated for the GFRC production process. VF-774 is UV stable. It is further formulated to be stable and durable in the high pH Portland cement-based GFRC composite. Forton® VF-774 is the world-wide standard concrete additive for making lightweight GFRC, Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete, panels. It is recognized by the PCI as the only polymer supported with a 20 year durability study.

Technical Information & More


Forton™ VF-774

Additive for GFRC

Forton™ VF-774

Forton™ VF-774

Additive for GFRC

All acrylic, co-polymer dispersion (51% solids) specifically formulated for the GFRC production process. VF‑774 is UV stable. It is further formulated to be stable and durable in the high pH Portland cement-based GFRC composite. Durability of the GFRC composite, especially the maintenance of the long-term flexural strain to failure property, i.e. ductility of the composite is based on a 20 year independent test program. PCI Compliance with Appendix G of MNL 130, the Manual for Quality Control for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Products from the PCI for the elimination of the seven day wet cure.

VF-774 Benefits Include

VF-774 Benefits Include

VF-774 Benefits Include

  • Improved workability.
  • Easy spraying of vertical surfaces.
  • Complete dispersion of iron oxide pigments.
  • UV stability of the Forton® polymer.
  • Hard cured face mixes.
  • Tighter, denser cured product.
  • Elimination of crazing and spider cracking.
PCI Compliant PCI Compliant
Gram Scale Required Gram Scale Required
UV Resistant UV Resistant

Technical and Buying Information

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 Forton™ VF-774 Polymer Additive System for GFRC


Step-by-Step How-To Articles


How to Make a Concrete and Epoxy Lagoon Aquarium Table

How to Make a Concrete and Epoxy Lagoon Aquarium Table

Learn how to use concrete in combination with clear epoxy resin to create an aquarium table.

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Shop Projects - How To Make a Concrete Utility Sink

Shop Projects - How To Make a Concrete Utility Sink

In this video we show you how we made a concrete utility sink for our shop using Forton® VF-774.

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How To Make a Mold of a Leaf for Casting Concrete

How To Make a Mold of a Leaf for Casting Concrete

Make a mold of a rhubarb leaf using Rebound® 25 silicone rubber

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How to Make a Custom Concrete Fountain

How to Make a Custom Concrete Fountain

Learn how to make a concrete fountain that looks just like sand using Mold Star® 16 silicone rubber.

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How To Make a Custom Concrete Countertops using GFRC

How To Make a Custom Concrete Countertops using GFRC

Learn how to make extremely strong concrete countertops with Forton® VF-774

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How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels - Episode 1

How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels - Episode 1

Learn how to make Art Deco concrete panels from model design to casting pigmented GFRC.

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How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels - Episode 2

How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels - Episode 2

Learn how to make an outdoor bar and pergola, using Art Deco GFRC panels.

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How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels ‑ Episode 3

How To Build a Concrete Bar Using GFRC Panels ‑ Episode 3

Learn how to make unique edge molds for concrete countertops using TASK 16 urethane rubber.

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How To Make Decorative GFRC Panels from a Jungle Tree Trunk

How To Make Decorative GFRC Panels from a Jungle Tree Trunk

"Taller de Prefabricados" invited us to their facilities to film their mold making process

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How To Create an Angular GFRC Architectural Panel

How To Create an Angular GFRC Architectural Panel

GFRC Cladding Systems creates angular panels to be installed on a building in Miami's design district.

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How To Create a GFRC Architectural Cornice

How To Create a GFRC Architectural Cornice

GFRC Cladding Systems shows how to create a spray-up cladding cornice.

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How To Spray GFRC To Create a Showroom Kiosk

How To Spray GFRC To Create a Showroom Kiosk

In this video we show the step-by-step process for creating a sales desk kiosk with a custom textured surface using GFRC enhanced with Forton® VF-774.

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How To Create a GFRC Lounge Chair Using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber

How To Create a GFRC Lounge Chair Using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber

Using Rebound™ 25 mold rubber, OBRaTUR, S.A. has created a line of GFRC furniture that is hurricane proof.

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How To Create a GFRC Table using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber

How To Create a GFRC Table using Rebound™ 25 Silicone Rubber

Creating a GFRC table design employs the root of a Royal Poinciana tree recovered from a hurricane.

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How To Cast a Concrete Fence Which Exhibits Detail Never Seen Before

How To Cast a Concrete Fence Which Exhibits Detail Never Seen Before

Unique mold making process quickly generates 11,880 lightweight concrete panels...

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How To Create a Rebound™ 25 Mold to Cast a GFRC Banyan Tree

How To Create a Rebound™ 25 Mold to Cast a GFRC Banyan Tree

Pretecno engineer Jose Hormiga developed a way to bring an organic feel to some of the company's latest building projects.

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GFRC Explained - Learn the Basics of GFRC

GFRC Explained - Learn the Basics of GFRC

We explain the different components, mix designs and the proper techniques needed to create high-quality GFRC

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What Have Other People Done With These Products?

Romanform Studio Creates Concrete Water Features

Romanform Studio Creates Concrete Water Features

Meet Dan, the owner and operator of Romanform Studio, based out of Arvada Colorado.

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FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Willis Construction Co. Inc.

FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Willis Construction Co. Inc.

Willis Construction is one of the leading Architectural Precast Concrete manufacturers and installers in the Western United States.

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FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Walters & Wolf Precast.

FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Walters & Wolf Precast.

Walters & Wolf is a West-Coast leader in premier cladding services.

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FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Formglas Products Ltd.

FORTON VF-774 GFRC Projects by Formglas Products Ltd.

With a 5 decade history, Formglas creates custom fabricated solutions for precision-engineered and sustainable architectural products.

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