These kits include easy to use Skin Tite™ on-skin silicone as well as the accessories you need to create amazing skin FX. Skin Tite™ silicone is easy to mix, color, apply, and remove. It will adhere to the skin and perfectly conforms to all contours. Cured rubber is strong, will bend/flex with body movement, and your wounds and appliances will not come off until you remove them. Create hyper-realistic cuts, scars, slash wounds, bruises, necrotic (dead skin) effects, bullet holes and more fast. It is ideal for repetitive motion applications. Kits include full instructions.
Kit includes:
Materials that are easy to use and ideal for Halloween, Zombie Walks, theatrical and movie make-up applications and more! Contains all the supplies needed to make simulated trauma scars, open wounds, burns, cuts, infections, and other skin FX.
Kit includes:
Ideal for moulage and casualty simulation on actors, standardized patients and mannequins. Also suitable for theatrical and movie make-up applications, and Halloween special effects.
Select a Product Below | Description |
› Ultimate Wound Kit™ | On-Skin wounds in Minutes! |
› Ultimate Zombie Kit™ | Zombie Makeup On-Skin Fast! |
Jon N. demonstrates how to make a silicone wound directly on the skin using Smooth-On's Skin Tite® Ultimate Wound Kit.
Smooth-On fan Leo V. shows how to make and apply a zombie makeup using the Ultimate Zombie Kit.
Smooth-On fan Jon N. shows how he uses our silicone to make a wearable fake leg wound effect.
In this makeup effects tutorial video, we create a Halloween zombie character using Smooth-On's Ultimate Zombie Kit.
Skin Tite® is a versatile two-component silicone rubber product that can be used as an "On Skin" Sculpting Medium.
In this makeup effects video, we demonstrate how to make a fake cut or making a wound using Skin Tite on-skin silicone rubber.
Skin Tite® is a versatile two-component silicone rubber product that can be used as an on-skin sculpting medium.
Learn how to do a slashed throat makeup just in time for Halloween using professional-grade skin-safe silicone.
Wounds, Scars, and other gore makeup effects can easily be simulated using Skin Tite®
How to create easy to make silicone appliances for use in a zombie makeup like you would see on The Walking Dead.
St. Luke's personnel reached out to Smooth-On to assist in providing realistic moulage wounds.