Few special effects artisan's are as clever and tenacious when it comes to finding material answers to create effects for film projects.
Mario Benicio has provided special effects for films around the world and is often challenged to innovate and come up with effects never before seen on the big screen. That often means a lot of trial and error experimentation to understand how a material behaves under certain conditions. Never accepting defeat when coming up with a material effect becomes difficult, Mario always finds a way to deliver what the script calls for and has done things with SMASH! Plastic™ breakaway glass that few would ever dream of attempting.
Hand rotationally cast SMASH!™ Plastic Orb.
SMASH™ plastic liquor bottle used to hit an actor over the head...tinted with a drop of SO-Strong color.
SMASH™ liquor bottle
SMASH™ plastic ice bucket...no bubbles visible.
SMASH™ carafe...perfectly clear with no visible bubbles.
SMASH™ breakaway plastic used to make ice effects.
SMASH™ plastic bottles complete with labels are readied with pyrotechnics to shatter on cue.
SMASH™ plastic glasses. Dramatic bar table lighting brings out clarity.
Sewer pipes created with SMASH™ breakaway plastic