Harrison Krix from Volpin Props was commissioned to create a replica from one of the members of the French techno group Daft Punk. This helmet was the fruit of 17 months of work. He chose Rebound™ 25 as the mold material to create a one piece glove mold and Plasti-Paste for his 3 part mother mold. To create the helmet itself, Smooth-Cast 300 was chosen to create a thin walled casting.
Here is a YouTube video outlining the process:
The following images were provided by Harrison Krix. Findo out more about Volpin Props at http://www.volpinprops.com/
1 - Final sculpt of Daft Punk Helmet, ready to be molded.
2 - A thin coat of Rebound 25 platinum silicone rubber is applied to pick up all the details of the original model.
3 - Undercuts are filled with thickened rubber and registration keys are applied.
4 - More registration keys and layers of rubber are applied until a 3/16'' thickness is achieved.
5 - The mold is now ready for the rigid support shell.
6 - The Plasti-Paste support shell is applied in multiple pieces for easier demold.
7 - Second part of support shell applied with an aluminum foil barrier between the shell pieces.
8 - The original model is demolded. Perfect detail is captured in the Rebound 25 mold.
9 - Detail of the inside of the mold.
10 - Smooth-Cast 300 is rotocasted into the mold and demolded.
11 - Multiple castings ready to be finished.
12 - The helmet is gold plated, outfitted with complex LEDS, visor, and other details.
13 - The helmet is gold plated, outfitted with complex LEDS, visor, and other details.