Bringing a Wild Vision Of The Joker To Life!

Bringing a Wild Vision Of The Joker To Life!

At the 2011 IMATS L.A. Makeup Tradeshow, Frank Ippolito created his own vision of The Joker by creating a multi-piece silicone appliance makeup. Frank used Body Double skin safe silicone to create the lifecast of his model. One full head casting was poured. Small molds of different parts of the lifecast were made using Mold Max 30, and resin was poured into the molds. A clay sculpture was then created on the full head lifecast.

The clay sculpture was cut into sections and removed from the lifecast. The cut up clay sculpture pieces were replaced on the appropriate resin casts and more resin was poured on top to make a 2-piece mold of each section of the makeup.

Special bald-cap plastic was airbrushed into the resin molds. Dragon Skin FX PRO was then combined with SLACKER to create a silicone gel, which was poured into the resin molds. Dragon Skin FX PRO was specifically formulated for use as a silicone makeup appliance material.

The completed pieces were adhered using prosthetic adhesive. The super-soft Dragon Skin FX PRO gel moves with every emotion and expression of the actor, creating a super-realistic version of this popular arch-villain. Response to the makeup was phenomenal, with many attendees commenting on the realism of motion created by using a multi-piece silicone appliance.