Assisting School Age Kids To Excel In Science Competition With Smooth-On Materials
The amazing part of this case study is that the designers of the robot, who made the molds and cast the wheels, are a group of middle school and high school students from the Philadelphia, PA, area, ages 12 - 17 years old, who have designed a wheel configuration using Smooth-On rubbers and plastics. Their "Universal Wheel Design" allowed the Royal Assault Squad to excel in this science competition.
- Part of the “Royal Assault - Team 357” from Philadelphia with their robot creation. You can see the urethane wheels at bottom.
- Roller wheel castings made of Smooth-On's urethane rubber are attached to the wheel hubs.
- Mold Max 30® silicone molds are used to cast PMC-790® urethane around a metal/nylon ring core.
- Molds of the original SLA models made using Mold Max 30®
- Finished wheels.
- Students prepare their robot for battle. Remotely navigate your robot and be the first to ascend the winner's platform.
- On the way to the winner's platform, you'll be challenged by competitors. It's overturn (kill) or be overturned (killed). Royal Assault 357 overturns a competitor and then . . .
- ...fights to claim its place on the winner’s platform.
- The unique winning wheel design has ramifications far beyond Team 357's robot world. Several Industrial Corporations have expressed interest in the unique wheel configuration.