Brush Sonite Wax onto mold rubber and base board. Allow to dry thoroughly before applying support shell.
Plasti-Paste II is used to create the rigid support shell. It has a mix ratio of 1 part A to 2 parts B by volume. Dispense 2 parts B. Dispense 1 part A. Pour parts A and B into a larger mixing container. Mix thoroughly until there are no streaks. Plasti-Paste II has a pot life of 10 minutes.
Spread mixed Plasti-Paste II over the surface of the rubber mold in a thin layer. Add layers as needed. Finished shell thickness should be about 3/8'' (1cm). Embed paint stirring sticks or other flat edge utensils using Plasti-Paste II. This will provide support when casting into the mold. Level the legs.
Plasti-Paste II has a cure time of 90 minutes.