The cured Dragon Skin® lifts easily out of the Rebound® 25 mold thanks to the Ease Release® 200 release agent. The casting reflects perfect detail of the mold.
Solvent is used to remove residual release agent that may have transferred on to the casting. The surface of the casting is wiped down and solvent is allowed to fully evaporate before painting details.
A small amount of Psycho Paint® Part A is dispensed. An equal volume of Part B is dispensed.Psycho Paint® is combined and mixed thoroughly.
A very small amount is dispensed into another cup. Solvent is used to thin the Psycho Paint®. Using solvent resistant cups is necessary when working with any solvents.
Solvent is mixed in thoroughly. A very thin consistency is made in order to create a 'wash' or stain effect. The same Silc Pig® combination is used again to pigment the thinned Psycho Paint®
The Psycho Paint® is then brushed onto the surface of the Snake casting. The entire surface is covered. The thinned Psycho Paint® goes a long way so not much is required, even when applying the paint in a liberal amount. Excess is wiped off with a clean, dry cloth. This technique is very similar to staining bare wood.