Task® 16 will be used to make the rubber cover for the post protectors. Task® 16 is measured 2:1 by weight so a gram scale is required.
Ignite® orange pigment will be used to intrinsically tint the Task 16 a florescent orange. The Ignite® is dispensed on the B side of Task 16 prior to mixing A and B together. Pigment is thoroughly blended into the Task® 16.
Once mixed, Task® 16 is poured into a new clean container to be mixed again to ensure thorough mixing. TASK® 16 liquid is poured into the mold cavity. Once the Task® 16 is poured, the metal post is sprayed with Universal® Mold Release then inserted and used as a core.
The material is allowed a 90 minute cure before the mold box is opened.