The post protector is showing signs of wear from fork lifts, while the fork lifts are also showing signs of wear from hitting the metal post protector.
To begin the post protector needs to be mounted on board in preparation of the molding process. The post is cleaned of any dirt and grime with isopropyl alcohol. Next, sheet wax will be used to create a profile which will be the model for the rubber cover. Sheet wax has an adhesive backing that is pulled away from the protective paper prior to adhering to the post. The sheet wax is then aligned and placed on the post.
Multiple layers of 3mm wax is laid on the post to create the profile. Each piece of wax is carefully applied. The wax is pressed hard on the post core and it conforms to the shape of the post. The backside of the post is also fitted with wax in order to create the cover. The wax is carefully blended at the seams once the desired thickness is reached.