Page 20 - Smooth-OnCatalog
P. 20
Polyurethane Rubber Brush-On Series
Ideal for Vertical or Inverted Surfaces
Smooth-On’s Brush-On® urethane mold rubbers are known for having high
tear strength and exceptional abrasion resistance, making them a favorite of
concrete casters around the world.
Available in 35A, 40A, 50A or 60A durometer, these are “paste-liquid”
systems that are easy to use and hold vertical or inverted surfaces
without sagging. Rubber cures with minimal shrinkage and molds
last a long time for production casting of concrete, gypsum, wax
and other materials.
MJM Studios applied Brush-On® 40 on-site to Versatile – DID YOU KNOW?
create the architectural mold used to restore Brush-On® rubbers are also used
the arch atop New York City’s landmark for a variety of industrial applications
Bellevue Hospital.
including making wear and water
resistant coatings for fabric and
other surfaces, and as flexible
adhesives for bonding like and
unlike surfaces.
Brush-On® 50 was center
stage during Chicago’s Adding SO-Strong® colorant to every
Garfield Park Field House other layer aids in differentiating
restoration. 17’ x 11’ between coats so you are sure to
GFRC dome panels were achieve an even coverage.
cast from the molds below.
Brush-On® 60 EZ-Mix® 40
was used to
create the highly EZ-Mix® 40 is a very easy to mix “liquid-liquid”
detailed mold urethane rubber that is great for beginners.
for this boy scout
statuette from EZ-Mix® rubber is a favorite with sculptors and is
Maslyn Studios. good for casting wax or gypsum.
A:B Mix Ratio Mixed Viscosity Pot Life Demold Time Hardness (Shore A) Shrinkage (in./in.) Volumetric Yield (cu. in./lb.) Tear Strength Elongation at Break % Color
Product Name
Brush-On® 35 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 35A <0.001 21.5 57 pli 1,000% Grey-Green
Brush-On® 40 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 40A <0.001 23.7 60 pli 1,000% Off-White
Brush-On® 50 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 50A <0.001 23.7 80 pli 400% Off-White
Brush-On® 60 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 60A <0.001 23.7 80 pli 400% Off-White
EZ-Mix® 40 1A:1B pbv Brushable 18 min. 16 hrs. 40A <0.001 27.0 67 pli 577% Grey
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Ideal for Vertical or Inverted Surfaces
Smooth-On’s Brush-On® urethane mold rubbers are known for having high
tear strength and exceptional abrasion resistance, making them a favorite of
concrete casters around the world.
Available in 35A, 40A, 50A or 60A durometer, these are “paste-liquid”
systems that are easy to use and hold vertical or inverted surfaces
without sagging. Rubber cures with minimal shrinkage and molds
last a long time for production casting of concrete, gypsum, wax
and other materials.
MJM Studios applied Brush-On® 40 on-site to Versatile – DID YOU KNOW?
create the architectural mold used to restore Brush-On® rubbers are also used
the arch atop New York City’s landmark for a variety of industrial applications
Bellevue Hospital.
including making wear and water
resistant coatings for fabric and
other surfaces, and as flexible
adhesives for bonding like and
unlike surfaces.
Brush-On® 50 was center
stage during Chicago’s Adding SO-Strong® colorant to every
Garfield Park Field House other layer aids in differentiating
restoration. 17’ x 11’ between coats so you are sure to
GFRC dome panels were achieve an even coverage.
cast from the molds below.
Brush-On® 60 EZ-Mix® 40
was used to
create the highly EZ-Mix® 40 is a very easy to mix “liquid-liquid”
detailed mold urethane rubber that is great for beginners.
for this boy scout
statuette from EZ-Mix® rubber is a favorite with sculptors and is
Maslyn Studios. good for casting wax or gypsum.
A:B Mix Ratio Mixed Viscosity Pot Life Demold Time Hardness (Shore A) Shrinkage (in./in.) Volumetric Yield (cu. in./lb.) Tear Strength Elongation at Break % Color
Product Name
Brush-On® 35 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 35A <0.001 21.5 57 pli 1,000% Grey-Green
Brush-On® 40 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 40A <0.001 23.7 60 pli 1,000% Off-White
Brush-On® 50 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 50A <0.001 23.7 80 pli 400% Off-White
Brush-On® 60 1A:1B pbv Brushable 20 min. 16 hrs. 60A <0.001 23.7 80 pli 400% Off-White
EZ-Mix® 40 1A:1B pbv Brushable 18 min. 16 hrs. 40A <0.001 27.0 67 pli 577% Grey
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