Page 22 - Smooth-OnCatalog
P. 22
Polyurethane Plastic
Smooth-Cast Series

General Purpose Casting Resins

Smooth-Cast® 300 Series - Bright White

Smooth Cast® 300 Series liquid plastics
Easy to are ultra-low viscosity casting resins that
Paint & yield castings that are bright white and
Finish virtually bubble free. Vacuum degassing is
not necessary. They offer the convenience of a
one to one mix ratio (one part A to one part B by
volume). Fully cured castings are tough, durable, Production
machinable and paintable. They resist Ready
moisture and mild solvents. Applications
for Smooth-Cast® 300 Series plastics
include reproducing small to Fast-Setting,
medium size sculptures, Durable, and
making prototype models, Perfectly
and special effects props. Detailed

Smooth-Cast® 320 Series - Off-White

The Smooth-Cast® 320 Series liquid plastics are “sister” products
to our popular Smooth-Cast® 300 Series but cure off-white.
They are easier to color using SO-Strong®,
UVO® or Ignite® colorants. Perfectly
Smooth-Cast® 320 Series resins Detailed
also readily accept fillers (such as URE-FIL® 3, 5 and 7).
Fully cured castings are tough, durable, machinable
and paintable. They resist moisture and mild solvents.
Applications for Smooth-Cast® 320 Series resins
Smooth-Cast® 320 include reproducing small to medium size sculptures,
Puma Skull making prototype models, special effects

props, decorative jewelry and
taxidermy (bones, antlers, teeth etc.).

A:B Mix Ratio Mixed Viscosity Pot Life Demold Time Hardness (Shore D) Shrinkage (in./in.) Specific Volume (cu. in./lb.) Ultimate Tensile Elongation at Break % Color

Product Name
Smooth-Cast® 300Q 1:1 pbv 80 cps 30 sec. 4-5 min. 70D 0.01 26.4 3,000 psi 5% White
Smooth-Cast® 300 1:1 pbv 80 cps 3 min. 10 min. 70D 0.01 26.4 3,000 psi 5% White
Smooth-Cast® 305 1:1 pbv 80 cps 7 min. 30 min. 70D 0.0065 26.4 3,000 psi 7.5% White
Smooth-Cast® 310 1:1 pbv 80 cps 15-20 min. 3-4 hrs. 70D 0.0065 26.4 3,000 psi 7.5% White
Smooth-Cast® 320 1:1 pbv 80 cps 3 min. 10 min. 70D 0.01 26.4 3,000 psi 10% Off-White
Smooth-Cast® 321 1:1 pbv 80 cps 7-9 min. 30 min. 70D 0.007 26.4 3,000 psi 8% Off-White
Smooth-Cast® 322 1:1 pbv 80 cps 10-20 min. 2-4 hrs. 70D 0.007 26.4 3,000 psi 8% Off-White

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