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Polyurethane Plastic
TASK Series TASK® 18

High-Performance Casting Resins resin is heat resistant
and very rigid. It is
TASK® 11 (formerly C-1509) - Semi-rigid resin originally developed used to make large
vacuum form molds
for high impact tooling (drop hammer punch). It also offers good for making custom
abrasion and chemical resistance. communications
TASK® 13 & TASK® 14 (formerly C-1515, C-1520) - High impact satellite covers for
resistance, low cost semi-rigid plastics are used for a variety of Lucent Technologies.
industrial applications including fast mold making, prototyping,
durable miniatures, black-colored props and special effects.

TASK® 15 - Exhibits exceptional impact strength when cast in
thin-wall sections. TASK® 15 features a gradual cure profile,
making it ideal for rotational casting applications.
TASK® 16 - Fast-setting Shore 80A/30D industrial urethane
that offers very high tear strength, impact resistance and
wear resistance. TASK® 16 can also be rotationally cast
for lightweight foam filled castings. Semi-rigid TASK® 13
TASK® 18 (formerly C-1508) - Relatively low used for the controller
housing for the Laser Rack
viscosity aluminum filled urethane resin that performance power lifting monitor.
was developed specifically for making short
run vacuum forming molds.
TASK® 21 - Described by many as having
similar performance and mechanical
characteristics to ABS plastic, with high Highly impact
compressive and flexural strength as well as resistant
TASK® 15
good shock absorbance. is used for
TASK® 16 is quick setting, casting TASK® 21
easily pigmented and can be mannequin video phone prototype housing
used to cast parts, props, etc. bodies that has similar performance
that are flexible and highly are durable, properties to ABS plastic.
impact resistant. hollow and
can take a

Pressure resistant and shark proof
TASK® 11used to house deep ocean
signal transponders for US Navy.

A:B Mix Ratio Mixed Viscosity Pot Life Demold Time Hardness (Shore D) Shrinkage (in./in.) Specific Volume (cu. in./lb.) Ultimate Tensile Elongation at Break % Color

Product Name
TASK® 11 (C-1509) 100:100 pbw 2,000 cps 20 min. 16 hrs. 60D 0.0024 24.7 2,500 psi 100% Milky Amber
TASK® 13 (C-1515) 100:120 pbw 800 cps 3 min. 20 min. 95A, 50D 0.005 24.1 1,800 psi 125% Black
TASK® 14 (C-1520) 100:120 pbw 800 cps 10 min. 45 min. 95A, 50D 0.0035 24.1 1,800 psi 125% Black
TASK® 15 75:100 pbw 600 cps 6 min. 60 min. 75D 0.0042 24.7 2,720 psi 20% Opaque White
TASK® 16 1:2 pbw 1,400 cps 6 min. 90 min. 80A, 30D 0.0025 25.6 2,264 psi 233% Light Yellow
TASK® 18 (C-1508) 26:100 pbw 4,400 cps 20 min. 16 hrs. 88D 0.0006 17.6 3,250 psi 1% Metal Gray
TASK® 21 2:1 pbv 500 cps 6 min. 60 min. 75D 0.0058 25.9 5,500 psi 7.5% White

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