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Skin Effects
Skin FX Kits & Accessories Certified

Create Realistic On-Skin Effects Quickly & Easily Skin


Used By Hollywood Pros The # 1 Choice of Medical Simulation & EMS
Professionals Around The World

Ultimate Ultimate

Zombie Kit Wound Kit

Skin Tite
From Kit:
Step 1 Gather your supplies
•Skin Tite ®
•Thi-Vex ®
•Silc Pig ®
•Rubber Glass ®
•Mixing Sticks
Skin Tite ® Silicone
Step 2 Measure out Skin Tite ® STEP
•Mixing Cups
Ultimate Wound Kit BY
It's Easy To Make Your Own On-Skin Wounds In Minutes!
which are not included.
STEP before you start. We recommend wearing vinyl gloves,
Gather your supplies and read the Technical Bulletins
STEP Step 3 Thicken Skin Tite ® you want to create.
Step 1Measure out Skin Tite®
Includes Step 2Add skin color and mix thoroughly to create. Includes seconds. Material will thicken as it is mixed. Step 4 Add skin color and mix thoroughly
It's Easy To Make Your Own On-Skin Effects In Minutes!
Dispense a small amount of Skin Tite ® (1A:1B by volume).
Adjust the amount depending on the size of the wound
Add a few drops of Thi-Vex ® silicone thickener to thicken
the Skin Tite ® . Mix material throroughly for several
Dispense equal parts of Skin Tite ® (1A:1B by volume). Adjust
Booklet & Step 4Apply Skin Tite ® to skin and sculpt for several seconds. Material will thicken as it is mixed. Booklet & Spread mixed material onto skin. Sculpt the material into Step 6 Allow Skin Tite ® wound to cure
the amount depending on the size of the wound you want
Step 3Add Thi-Vex® thickener
Step 5 Apply Skin Tite ® to skin and sculpt
adding other Silc Pig ® pigments.
Add Silc Pig ® “Flesh” pigment to Skin Tite ® mixture.
Add Silc Pig ® Flesh pigment to Skin Tite ® mixture. The flesh
color can be adjusted to match anyone's skin color by
additional small amounts of Silc Pig ® pigments.
Adjustments in the fleshtone can be made by adding
wound shape, making the edges higher than center.
Add a few drops of Thi-Vex silicone thickener to thicken the
Skin Tite ® . (8 drops were added here). Mix material thoroughly
face with popsicle stick).
Step 6 Mix Skin Tite® with black pigment Step 5Apply Skin Tite ® to skin and sculpt Step 7 Mix Skin Tite ® with blood pigment Allow Skin Tite ® to cure for at least 6 minutes.
Spread mixed material onto skin. Sculpt the material into
wound shapes and "peeling flesh" (pull material away from
Step 8 Apply blood mixture to wound
cure 5 min. Add Silc Pig ® “Blood” pigment and mix thoroughly.
While Skin Tite ® is curing, Dispense Skin Tite ® (1A:1B pbv).
Apply material to upper cheek bones and bridge of nose to
help create the illusion of sunken eyes. Allow material to
To learn more about creating on-skin Step 7Add depth to wound using dark color To learn more about creating realistic on-skin wounds to add color and texture.
While previously applied Skin Tite ® is curing, dispense more
Spread the mixed material into the center of the wound
Skin Tite ® (1A:1B pbv). Add Silc Pig ® Black pigment and mix
Zombie effects and to watch video depth. Allow Skin Tite ® to cure for 5 minutes. and to watch video tutorials showing the process,
Apply black pigmented Skin Tite® to wounds to simulate
tutorials showing the process, please visit
please visit
Ultimate Blood® Kit
The most realistic and versatile liquid
blood system available anywhere. It perfectly simulates human
blood in how it looks and flows. Ultimate Blood® is ideal for creating
special effects, medical training and simulation, moulage or any
project in need of highest quality theatrical blood. You can also
change the viscosity of Ultimate Blood®
on the fly, and change color quickly
with color additives.
You have
Please visit ultimate control with Ultimate Blood®-
to learn more make it thicker, thinner
about creating and change color.
blood effects.
To learn more
about creating skin effects
using our materials, visit our ever-expanding
Special Effects Makeup Tutorial Playlist:
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40