Page 44 - Smooth-OnCatalog
P. 44
Polymer Modified Gypsum

FMG Casting System Flame Rated VF-774 Additive For GFRC

Forton VF-812 is a specially
formulated, all acrylic co-polymer
which cross-links with a dry melamine
resin to make the Forton MG moisture
resistant and UV stable. FMG is a unique
combination of high-strength alpha
hemi-hydrate gypsum with water based
polymer chemistry that is reinforced with “E”
glass fiber. FMG is the first technology
to make gypsum an exterior product, Sculptor Clay Williams uses
Forton® MG and aluminum
when painted or sealed, and is certified powder to quickly make
as meeting the ASTM E-84, Class A (or 1) lightweight, durable castings.
flame rating
for building


duoMatrix -G is a polymer
additive system for alpha gypsums
that greatly enhances physical and
performance properties. Castings are stronger, lighter,
weather resistant and can be demolded four times
faster. Its versatility allows adding
of metal powders and other
fillers to simulate the look
of metal, stone and
other facades.
duoMatrix -G
can also be
pigmented duoMatrix® Flame Rated
and painted. is strong and lightweight. ASTM E-84
duoMatrix® NEO® castings are
weather resistant
An easy-to-use version of duoMatrix -G, NEO ’s and durable.
dry components (PART A) are “pre-measured”
for easy measuring and mixing with
PART B - latex liquid. Easy two-to-one by volume
mix ratio means no scale is required. NEO
duoMatrix® can be used to make lightweight pieces
is combined with that are very strong and water-resistant.
bronze powder NEO is also flame resistant; meeting
to create the look the ASTM E-84, Class A (or 1) flame rating
of real metal.
for building materials.
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